(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [赛后贴]金州勇士队123-112战胜菲尼克斯太阳队 双方数据 勇士(36-33):克莱38分5板、库里23分7板5助、普尔20分6助、迪文岑佐10分3助、德雷蒙德-格林4分6板4助2断3帽、卢尼9分10板5助、贾格林9分7板2断、伊戈达拉6分2板3助、穆迪4分2板。 太阳(37-31):布克32分4板2断、艾顿27分12板、保罗11分5板11助、奥科吉11分3板2助、克雷格2分5板2帽、达米恩-李7分5板、佩恩9分3助、罗斯3分3板2助、韦恩赖特4分5板、比永博4分2板2助2断。 [–]San Francisco WarriorsDarthBane6996 835 points an hour ago* The Warriors are simultaneously on an 8 game home winning streak and an 8 game away losing streak Duality of man I guess 勇士球迷:勇士队在喜获主场8连胜的同时,也还身背客场8连败,就像人生一样,喜忧参半~ [–]WarriorsLadnil 141 points an hour ago Earlier in the season we had the best home record in the league and the worst road record. And this was like 20 games in too, not like some 10 game anomaly. We're completely broken on the road. Lacob needs to buy a new team plane or something. Change the mood. 勇士球迷:记得本赛季初的时候,勇士队就已同时手握最佳主场战绩和最差客场战绩了,当时应该已经打了20几场,不像是那种打了10场恰好发生的低概率事件。所以勇士真的在客场打得稀烂啊,拉科布可能得买一架新的球队飞机后者其他什么东西了,要换一换风水格局啊~ [–]WarriorsDrinkGinAndKerosene 57 points an hour ago They aint paying for players dinner anymore it feels like 勇士球迷:我估计拉科布吃晚饭祷告时,没让上帝保佑勇士队的球员啊~ [–]WarriorsAlestasis 149 points 2 hours ago Champs at home, bums on the road. 勇士球迷:主场一脸冠军相,客场一身穷酸样~ [–]WarriorsGr8CanadianSpeedo 25 points an hour ago 2023 Kings at home; 2010 Kings on road. 勇士球迷:主场强得像2023年的国王队,客场弱得像2010年的国王队~ [–]Kingsphatbasterd69 [score hidden] an hour ago So weird to see compliments about the team 国王球迷:你们都这么夸人的吗?听着也太别扭了~ [–][GSW] Stephen CurryKaiserUzor 124 points an hour ago It's honestly baffling to me how we can look like such a dominant force at home and turn into the 2011 Charlotte Bobcats on the road. Just wow 勇士球迷:搞不懂,勇士在主场这么有统治力,怎么到了客场打得像2011年的夏洛特山猫队似的,匪夷所思啊~ [–]wraith985 40 points an hour ago Don't insult the 2011 Charlotte Bobcats like that. 球迷:不要再打啦~2011年的夏洛特山猫队他已经死啦~ [–]WarriorsSrikkk[S] 162 points an hour ago That third quarter oh my god 勇士球迷:今天这第三节又是什么情况啊,我的上帝啊~ [–]Warriorsthe_next_core 195 points an hour ago 33 at the half and Klay said my job is done here 勇士球迷:因为,半场砍33分之后,克莱说我的任务完成了~ [–]Hawcier 27 points an hour ago Poole settling into the rotation a bit. We don't give the kid enough credit. He's had to play more roles than anyone this year. That's not to take away his criticisms. 球迷:普尔有点适应轮换的节奏了,我们还是得多给这孩子一点肯定啊~今年他担任的角色比其他任何队友都要多。当然,这并不是为他所犯的错误开脱哈~ [–]DreamWunder 3 points 30 minutes ago Lol shoots 50% from field 50% from 3 4/8, 6 assists +18 off bench is alright game apparently 球迷:哈哈是啊~50%的投篮命中率,8投4中的三分球,6个助攻,替补登场贡献+18的正负值,已经很不错啦~ [–]shanks_you 120 points an hour ago Not a 22-23 warriors game without a few heart attacks lol 球迷:不弄出几个心脏病复发病例,就想轻轻松松地看完一场22-23赛季的勇士比赛?天真哈哈哈~ [–]Warriorsayyemustbethemoneyy 17 points 2 hours ago I almost turned the tv off in the 3rd lol 勇士球迷:看到第三节,我差点把电视机给关了,哈哈哈~ [–]WarriorsThus_Spoke 16 points an hour ago They couldn't let the entire second half go by without some drama. Natural showmen. Doing it for the fans. 勇士球迷:不搞点跌宕起伏的剧情,他们舍不得就那样结束下半场的~他们有娱乐圈职业病~用高能剧情吸引粉丝~ [–]Warriors20815147 10 points an hour ago So true. My Apple Watch had to check up on me to see if I’m okay but no big deal |
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