(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA常规赛,公牛118-108战胜湖人。 双方关键球员数据: 公牛队:拉文32分2篮板4助攻,德罗赞17分6篮板10助攻1盖帽,贝弗利10分4篮板5助攻1抢断,怀特13分7篮板6助攻1抢断,德拉蒙德12分8篮板2抢断,道苏姆8分1篮板4助攻1抢断1盖帽,卡鲁索7分5篮板1助攻1抢断,武切维奇4分2篮板1助攻1抢断。 湖人队:詹姆斯19分8篮板3助攻,戴维斯15分9篮板5助攻1抢断1盖帽,小特洛伊-布朗18分6篮板1助攻2抢断2盖帽,里夫斯13分3篮板7助攻,施罗德17分3篮板5助攻2抢断,范德比尔特4分4篮板,比斯利18分3篮板2助攻。 [–]LakersAdam2190 1214 points 7 hours ago This score doesn't do justice to just how awful the Lakers were today. 湖人球迷:只看分数的话,你可看不出湖人今天打得有多烂! [–]Lakerstvrwazza 431 points 7 hours ago Garbage time Beasley to the rescue. 湖人球迷:全靠比斯利在垃圾时间疯狂追分! [–]IntroductionWhich161 356 points 7 hours ago With their center getting ejected in the first half. We are fucking brain dead as a team sometimes. We got out rebounded too 球迷:武切维奇上半场就被驱逐了,我们湖人打球都不带动脑子的吗?对面少一个中锋,篮板还抢不过! 相关新闻:武切维奇封盖肘到詹姆斯面部被吹犯规 抱怨判罚连吃两T遭驱逐 [–]8SDas_ 511 points 7 hours ago AD finished with 8 FGAs 球迷:唉,戴维斯只有8次出手…… [–]Iplaythechopsticks 49 points 8 hours ago 10 TO alone from Reaves and Lebron. Ya hate to see it. 球迷:詹姆斯和里夫斯合计10次失误,看的上头! [–]thcsquad 2 points 6 hours ago I didn't get to see it. Who guarded Lebron and how did they do? 球迷:没看比赛,谁能给我讲讲,是谁防詹姆斯的,还防的这么好? [–]DeMar DeRozanLarrcasM 1 point 38 minutes ago Mostly Pat.Did decent, not incredible 德罗赞球迷:大多数时候都是贝弗利!不能说防的多好,但也不错了! 贝弗利说你们球队像这个卫生纸一样柔软 相关新闻:昨日抱卫生纸推文是嘲讽?贝弗利:只是赶巧 我没想诋毁任何人 [–]vahnjay 249 points 8 hours ago Lebron looked good physically which is the only thing i wanted to take away from this game 球迷:詹姆斯身体状况不错,这是我看完比赛后唯一觉得欣慰的。 [–]SunsEbenezerAD 956 points 5 hours ago If you're on a significant winning streak and you have to face the Bulls, just prepare for the next game because you already lost. 太阳球迷:如果你们是带着一波连胜迎战公牛,可以直接准备下一场了,公牛就是连胜终结者。 [–]ElevatorBasic509 175 points 5 hours ago Bad game today but it’s okay we’ll just prep for the next one.. sees we play the bulls again Well shit 球迷:今天确实打得不好,但没关系,我们为下一场做好准备……但下一场还是公牛,怎么破? [–]WarriorsOtherwise_Window 2 points 3 hours ago But now you're not on a winning streak 勇士球迷:你们现在不是连胜了,怕啥? [–]Lakerscaptjacksparrow47 191 points 7 hours ago Zach and Demar feasting on small guards 湖人球迷:拉文和德罗赞面对小后卫的防守,真的是予取予求! [–]Basic_Commercial_806 167 points 7 hours ago Ham: let's bench our only other 6'8 guy and play 3 guard lineups. 球迷:哈姆可不管你那个,放着6尺8的八村不用,就是要打三后卫! [–]0824Soulmuzik22 12 points 6 hours ago* Why is Rui a Coach - DNP? Ham makes my head scratch sometimes with his rotations 科比球迷:为什么要DNP八村?哈姆是想用他的轮换给我脑袋也气出个包吗? 相关新闻:为什么不让八村塁上场 |
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