[Post Game Thread] Utah Jazz (7-3) defeat the Los Angeles Lakers (2-6), 130-116 [赛后贴] 犹他爵士(7胜3负)130-116击败洛杉矶湖人(2胜6负) 双方关键球员数据: 湖人(2-6):威少26分3板6助2断、詹姆斯17分11板8助、浓眉22分8板2帽、沃克17分、布朗12分、贝弗利5分5板、里夫斯5分3助、安德森2分、加布里埃尔5分4板、瑞安3分3板。 爵士(7-3):马尔卡宁27分13板4助、克拉克森20分7板3助、康利15分10助、塞克斯顿17分4板3助、奥利尼克18分4板3助、范德比尔特9分6板4助、塔克7分3板2断、凯斯勒8分4板2帽。 [–]Mdgt_Pope 471 points an hour ago Bro I’m having so much fun this year with this Jazz team, wtf? 球迷:今年这支爵士队居然把我看得高潮迭起,跟谁说理去? [–][UTA] Adam Keefesoapy_goatherd 163 points an hour ago I’d forgotten that basketball and joy could go together lol 爵士球迷:多少年了,我都忘了篮球和快乐并不是老死不相往来的,哈哈哈 [–]BucksKorgG29 729 points 2 hours ago “Who tf is Wembanyama?” -The Jazz, probably 雄鹿球迷: “文班亚马是特么谁啊?”——爵士 [–]Timely_Airline_7168 64 points an hour ago French bigs are overrated anyway. - Utah Jazz. 球迷:法国大长腿,试过,活不行——犹他爵士 [–]Mdgt_Pope 261 points 2 hours ago “No more French bigs in SLC, we need a break” 球迷:“盐湖城累感不爱,法国大长腿别来沾边” [–]Bern5X 245 points 2 hours ago I need All Star Lauri in my life 球迷:不见马尔卡宁进全明星,我死不瞑目 [–]Jazzbubblegumshrimp 101 points 2 hours ago Lauri markkanen is the greatest player to ever wear number 23 爵士球迷:马尔卡宁是史上最伟大的23号球员 [–]KingsWembanyamaToTheKings 742 points 2 hours ago When the Jazz wins the championship this year, Danny Ainge deserves executive of the year for not only building a contender but also fleecing 2 teams out of 7 1st round picks to do so. 国王球迷;今年要是爵士夺冠了,必须把最佳总经理奖颁给安吉,打造一支强队也就罢了,居然还能顺手从两支球队搞来7个首轮签,实在是高 [–]Jazzspacemusclehampster 581 points 3 hours ago Getting Lauri, Sexton, Vanderbilt, Olynk, and 7 picks for Gobert and Mitchell is insane in all honesty. 爵士球迷:实话实说,用戈贝尔加米切尔换回来马尔卡宁、塞克斯顿、范德比尔特、奥利尼克和7个签,属实疯狂 [–]Celticszgamer200 503 points 2 hours ago It's alright Lakers fans. There's no shame in a losing to a superteam like the Jazz and future MVP Lauri Markkanen. 凯尔特人球迷:湖人球迷也不必太难过。爵士可是超级球队,阵中还有未来的MVP马尔卡宁,输了不丢人 [–]Minneapolis LakersILoveMasterYi 144 points 2 hours ago They shot better than the 2018 Warriors lmao 湖人球迷:他们的投篮比2018年的勇士还要好,离了谱了 [–]LakeShow Loyalty@LakeShowLoyalty The Rim for the Jazz tonight: |
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