[Post Game Thread] The Golden State Warriors (4-7) defeat the Sacramento Kings (3-6), 116-113 [赛后贴] 金州勇士(4胜7负)116-113击败萨克拉门托国王(3胜6负) 双方关键球员数据: 勇士(4-7):库里47分8板8助、维金斯25分10板2助2断、D-格林11分8板6助、克莱16分2板3助、卢尼2分13板4助 国王(3-6):福克斯28分6助、萨博尼斯19分14板6助、穆雷6分7板2助2断、许尔特11分3板2断、蒙克24分6板4助、米切尔12分2断 [–]Warriorsuntouchable765 305 points an hour ago Only took 47/8/8 from Steph to beat the Kings 勇士球迷:打败国王也不难嘛,只要库里打出47/8/8的数据就行 [–]WarriorsSlixxay 73 points an hour ago Amazing a near 50 point triple double from curry is what’s needed for a 3 point win though, feels like 2021 all over again. 勇士球迷:库里接近五十分的准三双表现,才将将三分险胜,感觉一下回到了2021赛季 [–]smta48 351 points 2 hours ago I honestly can't believe how bad the Warriors are outside of Curry lol 球迷:实在不敢想象要是没了库里,勇士得烂成什么样?笑死了 [–]RubbleWestbrick 116 points 2 hours ago Yeah what the fuck is going on lol They need him playing like 73-9 Steph to improve to 4-7? Last year's RS Steph wasn't near this level and they were winning games easily when healthy 球迷:是啊,不知道勇士在搞什么幺蛾子?需要祭出73胜赛季的巅峰库里,才能把球队战绩提升到4胜7负?上赛季,库里在常规赛远没有打出这种水准,可只要他们健康,赢球也没这么艰难啊 [–]Kingsdevinissofiery 215 points an hour ago Huerter was fouled wtf 国王球迷:许尔特最后被犯规没吹,艹 相关新闻>>>>【这是犯规吗】许尔特最后时刻三分出手克莱干扰裁判未吹罚 [–]HeatDeVolkaan 155 points 2 hours ago Another angle. I believe that is a minimum two and maybe three fouls if you count Klay's hand on his hip/back. 热火球迷:另外一个角度看看。我觉得克莱至少有两个犯规动作,如果算上他扶在许尔特臀部/背部的手,说三个犯规动作也不为过 [–]SpursPieBlaCon 261 points an hour ago Klay tried to give away the game one last time with that foul. 马刺球迷:克莱直到最后一刻也没有放弃,试图用一个犯规葬送比赛 [–]KingsPrimaryAccording9162 234 points 2 hours ago First Herro gets away with a travel now this I’m sick 国王球迷:之前希罗走步不吹,还没缓过来,今天又来这个,我要吐了 [–]KingsSwoleBuddha 144 points an hour ago Warriors win the game, but Sac will win the L2MR. 国王球迷:勇士赢得比赛,但国王会赢下裁判报告 [–][SAC] Jason Williamstransizzle 219 points an hour ago Another day, another L2M report that's gonna crush Kings fans fucking Steph Curry, man 国王球迷:又是裁判报告致郁国王球迷的一天。 天杀的库里,又日天了! [–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 202 points 2 hours ago Sky having a cigarette after a good fucking 马刺球迷:天若有情天亦喘,云消雨散快活烟 [–]HeatYouStillTakeDamage 294 points 2 hours ago* Steph has a plus minus of 50 this season. The warriors have a point differential of -37 this season. Pls someone help this man. 热火球迷:库里本赛季正负值50。勇士本赛季总分差-37。天哪,谁来帮帮这个男人? [–]Warriorsblarsha31 542 points an hour ago bro is fighting for his life rn 勇士球迷:库里:欲将血泪寄山河,我命由我不由天! [–][GSW] Stephen CurryQuality_Cucumber 99 points 2 hours ago BRO IS STEPH GETTING BETTER? LMAO 勇士球迷:伙计们,库里是不是还在进化? [–]currybuu | tanking for wemby (3-7) @currybuu we dont deserve HIM 勇士球迷:我们配不上他 [–]WarriorsStellewind 127 points 2 hours ago Dude is actually looking better than ever. Please Warriors don't waste a prime Steph season. 勇士球迷:库里现在看起来比以往任何时候都勇猛。求求了,勇士,千万别浪费了库里的一个巅峰赛季。 [–]WarriorsHOFredditor 172 points an hour ago even rolled his ankle. Still cooked. 勇士球迷:就算扭到脚踝,也是场上主宰 [–]Clippersdawalrusine 275 points an hour ago Steph gonna get a backache carrying the Warriors’ bench ☠️ 快船球迷:扛着勇士替补走,库里还能撑多久?迟早腰塌背也扭☠️ [–]RaptorsKarchunToo 410 points 2 hours ago Steph Carry indeed 猛龙球迷:斯蒂芬-苦力,实锤了 [–]Warriorswine_and_cheeze 91 points an hour ago And also the starters (except Wiggins) 勇士球迷:(维金斯你先站起来)首发其他人也都是垃圾 [–]Warriorsmitchippoo 148 points 2 hours ago I will not allow any looney slander 勇士球迷:我不允许任何人喷卢尼! [–]San Francisco WarriorsImTheBestNerd 433 points an hour ago Poole and Klay need to get their heads out of their asses 国王球迷:普尔和克莱真的应该撒泡尿照照,认清自己几斤几两! [–]Warriorss__v__p 183 points an hour ago I love Klay but he needs to realize that he doesn't need to shoot the ball every time it touches his hands, especially in the fourth quarter 勇士球迷:我爱克莱,但他真得意识到不是球一到他手里,就非得往篮筐上拽,尤其是在第四节! [–]San Francisco WarriorsImTheBestNerd 113 points an hour ago We need him to shoot is the problem, theres not a ton of offense in our starting lineup with Dray/Loon, he's just taking the dumbest fucking shots for no reason. 勇士球迷:问题就在这了,我们的首发里有追梦和卢尼,进攻确实差点意思,我们需要克莱投篮,可他这毫无道理地瞎JB投,也是个事儿! [–]WarriorsJohnpecan 53 points an hour ago Poole just has no confidence since that game when they decided to start calling his blatant carries. Kind of don't blame him that he's not being as aggressive as he has to change his game so much. 勇士球迷:裁判严吹走步已经把普尔的心态搞崩了。也不要太苛责他了,他现在得大幅改变自己的打球习惯,所以确实打得唯唯诺诺 [–]Michael JT Payton @Kyrieano Trade Jordan Poole for this man. 推特网友:交易普尔,换回这个男人 来源:Reddit 编译:语次无伦 |
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